Do not Be Afraid
We are all afraid of what may happen or might not happen, what we cannot change, what we won't be able to do, or how other people might look at us and have a bad opinion. So it is easier for us to hesitate....... think a little longer, do more research or explore more alternatives. […]
Anxious & Depressed? Read on…..
Why are so many people feeling stressed today? Do you feel you are up against an insurmountable brick wall. Are you distraught and feel that you cannot do anything about this? Do you feel disconnected from life? "I work therefore I am stressed. I have a busy life and responsibilities. My job is stressful and […]
The Man Who Thinks He Can
Poem   If you think you are beaten, you are, If you think that you dare not, you don't, If you'd like to win, but think you can't, It's almost certain you won't. If you think you'll lose, you've lost, For out in the world you'll find Success begins with a fellow's will - It's […]
No to New Year Diets and Ads for Self Improvement…
No to New Year Diets and Ads for Self Improvement. Love you and your Body. Just as you are. — Poem from Donna Ashworth in her book “Life”.   MIRROR Mirror mirror on the wall I see no care if I’m big or small you see I realised long ago that looking at you brings […]
New Year 2023. “Let’s Hope its a Good One….”
As the song goes… Let’s Hope its a good one, Without any Fear… What does constitute a good year? A new job? The birth of a baby? An ambition achieved? A year is usually up and down in peaks and troughs. There is usually some good, a small light in the madness of despair. Even […]
Men and Masculinity
Men receive many mixed messages through their life. Is asking for help a sign of weakness or strength? Do men have to appear tough and “macho”. Is this what being masculine means? Is this detrimental to their relationships? “Ignore it and it will go away. I am coping and if I show I am struggling […]

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