Anxious & Depressed? Read on…..

Why are so many people feeling stressed today?

Do you feel you are up against an insurmountable brick wall. Are you distraught and feel that you cannot do anything about this? Do you feel disconnected from life?

"I work therefore I am stressed. I have a busy life and responsibilities. My job is stressful and I cannot change this. I have to earn a living".

"There is something wrong with me".

In our heads we have our thoughts and the stories we tell ourselves. You may feel you have lost control, but have you?  Rather than make yourself wrong for having this problem, ask yourself where am I not saying no? Do you have to earn the world's respect? We inherit beliefs from our culture, our family and friends in the world we inhabit. In our culture their maybe the belief: "Men have to be strong".... "You shouldn't be feeling this way".... "You have a nice life, so what's the problem?"

Do not make yourself wrong for feeling the way you do. We carry our past with us. What is the belief you have about yourself? You  may believe  "I will never be good enough. If I achieved this I would be okay, if I had this I would be happy."

Our  behaviour is influenced by our childhood. We cannot change what happened to us in our past, but by understanding the influence this has had,  can change the future for us. Therapy with a trained counsellor can help you through the maze. If we look at the thoughts we have as a result of our upbringing or what happened to us in the past, and  look at the emotional pain, the future can be changed in a positive way. We carry our wounds with us and our  feelings and behaviour are a symptom of this. In a relationship we may put the responsibility on our partner to make us feel loved and confident. Your partner cannot do this for you.

"If I work harder I will succeed. If I was perfect at this, life would be better." There is something wrong with me. These constant thoughts fill your head". We have roughly 12,00 thoughts per day. I wonder how many of those are negative, judging yourself?

Use this as an opportunity to learn. Take the time to become curious about why you are anxious and stressed and be willing to do the work. This will change your life.

This is important. You are anxious and depressed  and your life isn't as you want it to be. There is a solution and taking the one step to improve your future is waiting for you now. I look forward to meeting you.



Kath Moore

I am a trained Accredited Counsellor, Psychodynamic based working in an Integrative way. I offer Counselling, talking therapy for Individuals and Couples. I cover all mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, loss and bereavement.

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